Jupiter Energy Advisors is committed to comply fully with its clients’ service requirements, to provide the best possible energy procurement, agency and consulting support services. Jupiter adheres to a Quality Management System as the best means to continually improve the effectiveness of its service delivery processes.
JUPITER's business processes for the provision of advisory and support services for energy procurement operate within a Quality Management System that is registered to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The standard requires, among other things, an annual audit of the operation of the Quality Management System by an independent external auditor.
Read more about the ISO 9001:2015 quality standard.

OECM recognizes Jupiter as a Platinum Supplier Partner
OECM is a trusted not-for-profit collaborative sourcing partner for Ontario’s education sector, broader public sector, and other not-for-profit organizations. OECM contracts with innovative, reputable suppliers to offer a comprehensive choice of quality products and services, and generate significant savings for its customers. OECM has recognized Jupiter Energy Advisors as a Platinum-level supplier partner for 2023 for both its Natural Gas Management and Advisory Services and its Electricity Consulting Services.